Tuesday 27 May 2008

Owell, hols had started... but still, it felt like having none at all. Had to go back to sch almost everday for stuffs. Bleah. And the homework is like... undescribable?

Lets juz tok abt the more interesting and carefree things i did last weekend. On Sun, which was 2 days ago, I went to the Singapore Expo, mainly for the popular fair. (: Had quite a nice time there, looking and stationery and stuffs. (I din bother going to the books section cos i'm tired of looking at books now). My father bought some of the tings which interests him and my sis bought a sling bag. Hahaz. I oso bought something. Guess wad i bought? A blue pen. Lols :p

On Mon, which was ystd, I went to Expo again, =.=''', this time not for the popular fair, but for the food fest^^. I hadn't been to any of the food fest b4, so was wondering how it looked like b4 we went there. And reaching there answered my qn. There were a lot of food booths (or wadeva they are called) that sold all kinds of different varieties of food. I ate to my heart's content, but the result - fullness. Hahaz.

Hmm, I went out again today, and guess whr i went to? Lols, nt Singapore Expo again, but Bukit Timah Nature Reserve! Nono. Lets start with wad i did early in the morning 1st.
Well, I went to sch early in the morning for the Math Olympiad competition, which I had i feeling that I will flung it, cos I din bother to learn it. Hahaz. Well, most of the ppl oso duno aniting frm the topics of the competition, so we are all preparing to flung it. Lols. And we did flung it, or rather we are likely to :p I mean, even my tuition teacher oso duno how to do, so duno tok abt us, or rather me ^^. After tad, my friends and I walked to the opposite of our sch to have our lunch(which we waited vry impatiently for it since the uncle took a long time to serve us our food and we are rushing against time) , afterwhich we returned bak to sch, joined the rest in the human's room and waited for the bus to come. Soon, we are on our way to BTNR and tada, we arrived there within an hr. Lols. =.= We den went abt wif our grp and a guide and discovered the secrets within forests(: Hahaz. It was quite fun, though exhausting =\

Yea, so tad was wad i did these few days. I wonder when i have the time to blog again since I'm so bz and theres a camp this fri. Well, stay tuned den ^.^

Thursday 15 May 2008

Hahaz. 2dae gt bak my eng paper. Hmm... managed to pass =) Though did nt pass well =\ Gt quite a gd mark for geog, but its quite an easy paper... so yea.:p Emaths... zzz I HATE EMATHS... Duno y, my Emaths always have a lower mark than my Amathz... zzz... Crap la... Wad is the root of the problem? I cant do easy sums huh? Ok... tads a crap hypothesis =.=

Owell, hist and ss paper will be returned tmr... and we have to cross our fingers and hope tad we dont fail too badly. The people frm other classes sae tad all the people did badly for it...

Hahaz. Nitez for now then (:

Wednesday 14 May 2008

Hmm... today was a good and bad dae happening concurrently for me? haiz. lets talk abt the bad ting 1st. Hahaz i always lik saying and knowing bad tings 1st :p

Well, bad ting is tad i juz failed badly for my higher chi =\ zzz this my 1st time in this yr that i failed aniting =.=''' And its quite badly... Well, juz hope tad my compo is gd enuf to pull up my grades so i wont fail for my overall... hopeeeeeeee. lols... Now i hope my eng wont fail... will be noeing the grades tmr...

Hmm, gd ting is tad my other subjects have grades tad are rather reasonable to me. hahaz. SMILES(: Well, but there more to come tmr... so yea. Lets juz pray hard today and tmr :p Well... and i juz gt a post in council ^^ I'm a treasurer. xD Muahahaz But im the onli guy in ex-co.. sobs

Well, im searching for blogs now. ahahaz. Well, cya den (: MORE TEST SCRIPTS FLYING BAK TMR!!!

Sunday 11 May 2008

Woot~ Test over! (: I'm finally stress-free^^ Though nt for long... haiz...

Had my SS test and chem test on mon. SS was chim... everthing i learnt din stay in my brain =.= After the cher had given us the SS test paper, he told us to relax while waiting for the clock to strike 8. But how can we relax when before a test? So we juz looked at the clock and waited. Then when the clock is abt to strike 8, some of my friends coughed to alert the cher tad the clock is striking 8. And the cher is clever enuf to noe tad we are signaling tad to him. Then he said "Wait for 1 more min 1st" lols. Guess wad's the next noise produced by us? The sound of clicking pens :p Hahaz cannot blame us for being so impatient cos we were afraid tad there isnt enuf time to finish the paper. Haiz. Before the ss test, i had used up most of the time trying to read... and in the end... i had to use my own contextual knowledge to do the qns... zzz waste my time studying=.= Chem was relatively easier (:

On tues, i had my Geog and Bio test, which was hard to handle. Both nid lots of time to memorize... and i studied till 12am for these subjects =\ But at least my hard work paid off, unlike ss :p

On wed and thurs, it was e maths and a maths test, which i din nid to study much for them. I mean, wad is there to study for maths? ^^

On fri, it was our last and the most challenging paper. History! Hahaz. But yea, i managed to do it(:

And now, ITS FREEDOM! ^^