Thursday 15 May 2008

Hahaz. 2dae gt bak my eng paper. Hmm... managed to pass =) Though did nt pass well =\ Gt quite a gd mark for geog, but its quite an easy paper... so yea.:p Emaths... zzz I HATE EMATHS... Duno y, my Emaths always have a lower mark than my Amathz... zzz... Crap la... Wad is the root of the problem? I cant do easy sums huh? Ok... tads a crap hypothesis =.=

Owell, hist and ss paper will be returned tmr... and we have to cross our fingers and hope tad we dont fail too badly. The people frm other classes sae tad all the people did badly for it...

Hahaz. Nitez for now then (:

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