Sunday 11 May 2008

Woot~ Test over! (: I'm finally stress-free^^ Though nt for long... haiz...

Had my SS test and chem test on mon. SS was chim... everthing i learnt din stay in my brain =.= After the cher had given us the SS test paper, he told us to relax while waiting for the clock to strike 8. But how can we relax when before a test? So we juz looked at the clock and waited. Then when the clock is abt to strike 8, some of my friends coughed to alert the cher tad the clock is striking 8. And the cher is clever enuf to noe tad we are signaling tad to him. Then he said "Wait for 1 more min 1st" lols. Guess wad's the next noise produced by us? The sound of clicking pens :p Hahaz cannot blame us for being so impatient cos we were afraid tad there isnt enuf time to finish the paper. Haiz. Before the ss test, i had used up most of the time trying to read... and in the end... i had to use my own contextual knowledge to do the qns... zzz waste my time studying=.= Chem was relatively easier (:

On tues, i had my Geog and Bio test, which was hard to handle. Both nid lots of time to memorize... and i studied till 12am for these subjects =\ But at least my hard work paid off, unlike ss :p

On wed and thurs, it was e maths and a maths test, which i din nid to study much for them. I mean, wad is there to study for maths? ^^

On fri, it was our last and the most challenging paper. History! Hahaz. But yea, i managed to do it(:

And now, ITS FREEDOM! ^^

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