Monday 2 June 2008

Wow. Guess it wld be a long time b4 i can get bak sch since i'm not supposed to have any activities that involve me going bak sch again. Shld I smile or shld i frown? hahaz.

So... wad did i do the past few days? Council camp (: Nono, should tok abt the girl guides camp fire 1st.

Well, due to the camp fire, we councillors had to go bak to sch to rehearse abt dance steps since we have to perform our dance on that faithful day, and sadly to say, i really have no dance talent =.=''' Well, I can be forgiven rite? Since i'm a guy =p

The campfire sorta cost me my throat. The speaker was so loud that i have to shout to my friends so that they can hear me and I sorta lik felt sick b4 that ald lah. And the result? I lost my voice -.- zzz. The camp fire wasnt realli fun. I mean, a few parts of it was interesting but i din realli lik the campfire overall. I tink its sorta lik kiddish cos they made us do cheers that we learnt in previous camps...

Well, the nxt day, which was fri, was council camp (: Hmm, practically, I din realli played much since we are the seniors and thus are juz facilitators. Muahahaz. ^^ But too bad i cant tok much cos i lost my voice... bleah =\ The activities of the first day was practically to let the sec1s to get to know each other and for sec2s to bond. Well, that was the main aim of the camp rite? xD

The second day was more fun in the sense that we had a water activity that is called "water mine" or smth lik tad. Cant rmbr. Hahaz. We filled plastic bag with water, tied it and place it on the floor such that its lik a landmine. And trust me, there are alot of mines. Wakakaa. But in this case its water lah. The participants are supposed to be blindfolded and walk to the other side, trying nt to step on the water mine with the aid of their friends aid and command. hahaz. But we also filled a big pail of water and each of the seniors took a cup to splash at participants who are still dry or have stepped on the mine to add on to the effect(: So wad's the moral of the game? You have to get wet! ^^ lol. But tings started to go cranky and we seniors started to splash at each other too. Hahaz. So every1 in council are drenched frm head to toe, thx to this game ^^ But its damn fun. After that the president of the council wanted us to take photo of us drenched. I suppose i wld look lik a bonker lah. Then we went to eat our lunch and go for farewell party, which is meant to say a final farewell to Mrs Lim, our previous council teacher cos she wld be going to another sch. =\ Den after that, home sweet home =p

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