Saturday 19 April 2008

Owell, this week was kinda bz. Mostly due to speech dae =\ And wad was my role? Door commander and gift watcher =.='''

Mon- Stayed bak to reherse how to open the door of the hall. LOL. Ok la. Its commanding.
Tues- Stayed bak initially for council interview, but was later told tad it was postponed due to the "disappearance" of some teachers. Thus, I went to help up for the 2.4km run for sec 2 and 4 but was later told tad there were no jobs for us. zzz
Wed- Stayed bak to reherse abt speech dae again.
Thurs- Stayed bak for maths olympiad training. Which was kinda boring...
Fri- Speech dae! Which was quite fun and sweet. lols

Well, it was rather lame to stay bak to reherse how to command opening the door, but yea had no choice cos if i commanded the door openers to open the door too quickly, the MCs will welcome the GOH too early and the band will play the welcome song too late and.... ok i shall nt list all the sequence one after another...
Speech day itself was quite fun and sweet (as mentioned earlier), but it was quite boring too. After finishing my role as door commander, I was being stationed in the general office to look after the tokens for the VIPs in case they go missing -.- This is the part that is boring. lolsz. However, I had the privilage to sit in the GO lyk a teacher and enjoy the air-con as i do my hw. Hahaz. I heard frm 1 of the staffs tad mrs chong(my maths cher) was fuming cos the caterer of the food had nt send the food to our sch. lols. ok la i understand how she feel cos she's afraid tad later the VIPs came dwn frm the hall and find themselves foodless. lol. yea foodless :p My new word^.^. Hahaz. This news amused me abit, but boringness set into me once again after i found it un-amusing animore. Except for the last last part, whr we are abt to go home (: Yea frm this part to the time i reach home, its sweet ^^

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