Saturday 12 April 2008

Tests tests and test... just made us stressed -.-'''

Test. This is a word tad most students are phobia of. It is linked to studying, stress, lack of time, tiredness... and the list goes on =\ Sounds lik an argumentative essay=.='''

Theres lik 3 tests in a row this wk alone and every1 is lik vry sian and stressed. lols of course there will be some heck care guyz who juz cant be bothered wif tests. hahaz. But luckily the tests are ez, so its quite relieving (: But still, its quite stress reading and trying to digest them. lol

Ystd our principal came into our class and chat wif us abt education things and asked us abt ur feedback. And guess wad we said? Hahaz tink u guessed it rite:p We said tad we are stressed. But she juz dismissed it saying tad our sch hours are less than most schs in s'pore. Well, we are glad to hear tad but we had lots of extra lessons lor... so our sch hrs are still relatively long =\ If onli studying can be turned in a joy...

Ok... I shall stop complaining. Well, cya for now then. Enjoy ur weekend while it lasts^^

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