Thursday 24 April 2008


Woot. 2dae's my bdae and its one of my most enjoyable and happy bdae (: But the bad ting abt it is tad there is eng test!!! haiz...

Well, et me thank a few groups of ppl 1st ba(: Thanks to the ppl in council room and my class who sang me the bdae song^^ hahaz. And lastly ty to those who gave me my bdae present, namely my uncle, my cousin, Cherlyn, Carmina, Filza, Faatihah, Ching yee and Sylvia, Jia Le and Jane Cher =p Yay tyty to all of u :)

Well, Eng test... paper 1 was easy... but paper 2 was diff... sorta chim. hahaz but yea hope can pass =p

Hmm, at nite, my family and I went to swensen's to celebrate my bdae ^^ Hahaz well, it was generally a fun and enjoyable day(:

My wonderful presents(:

Wednesday 23 April 2008

Hahaz. Today was an unlucky day lor. Especially at PE... lols. Pe time caused my specs and watch to break =.= And tmr still gt SA test.... zzz

Well, I was like the captain for the captain's ball den i was standing on a chair trying to catch the ball. Den while I was trying to catch the ball, Xin lin, who was trying to block the ball, failed and hit my hand instead >.< Den my watch flew out and landed on the ground in a few pieces.

I gt another birthday bash during recess, this time nt frm my friends but frm the tuckshop auntie. She gave me 3 full scoops of rice cos she was lik clearing stock den i eat until wan explode. lols But im nt the onli 1 (:

Hahaz. Well, abt 2 more hrs to my birthday (: Am i excited? Hmm, nt realli. hahaz well i going sleep soon ald. Tmr still gt tests... Well nitez to whoever is watching this post xD

Saturday 19 April 2008

Owell, this week was kinda bz. Mostly due to speech dae =\ And wad was my role? Door commander and gift watcher =.='''

Mon- Stayed bak to reherse how to open the door of the hall. LOL. Ok la. Its commanding.
Tues- Stayed bak initially for council interview, but was later told tad it was postponed due to the "disappearance" of some teachers. Thus, I went to help up for the 2.4km run for sec 2 and 4 but was later told tad there were no jobs for us. zzz
Wed- Stayed bak to reherse abt speech dae again.
Thurs- Stayed bak for maths olympiad training. Which was kinda boring...
Fri- Speech dae! Which was quite fun and sweet. lols

Well, it was rather lame to stay bak to reherse how to command opening the door, but yea had no choice cos if i commanded the door openers to open the door too quickly, the MCs will welcome the GOH too early and the band will play the welcome song too late and.... ok i shall nt list all the sequence one after another...
Speech day itself was quite fun and sweet (as mentioned earlier), but it was quite boring too. After finishing my role as door commander, I was being stationed in the general office to look after the tokens for the VIPs in case they go missing -.- This is the part that is boring. lolsz. However, I had the privilage to sit in the GO lyk a teacher and enjoy the air-con as i do my hw. Hahaz. I heard frm 1 of the staffs tad mrs chong(my maths cher) was fuming cos the caterer of the food had nt send the food to our sch. lols. ok la i understand how she feel cos she's afraid tad later the VIPs came dwn frm the hall and find themselves foodless. lol. yea foodless :p My new word^.^. Hahaz. This news amused me abit, but boringness set into me once again after i found it un-amusing animore. Except for the last last part, whr we are abt to go home (: Yea frm this part to the time i reach home, its sweet ^^

Saturday 12 April 2008

Tests tests and test... just made us stressed -.-'''

Test. This is a word tad most students are phobia of. It is linked to studying, stress, lack of time, tiredness... and the list goes on =\ Sounds lik an argumentative essay=.='''

Theres lik 3 tests in a row this wk alone and every1 is lik vry sian and stressed. lols of course there will be some heck care guyz who juz cant be bothered wif tests. hahaz. But luckily the tests are ez, so its quite relieving (: But still, its quite stress reading and trying to digest them. lol

Ystd our principal came into our class and chat wif us abt education things and asked us abt ur feedback. And guess wad we said? Hahaz tink u guessed it rite:p We said tad we are stressed. But she juz dismissed it saying tad our sch hours are less than most schs in s'pore. Well, we are glad to hear tad but we had lots of extra lessons lor... so our sch hrs are still relatively long =\ If onli studying can be turned in a joy...

Ok... I shall stop complaining. Well, cya for now then. Enjoy ur weekend while it lasts^^

Tuesday 1 April 2008

April Fool =.='''

Lol APRIL FOOL! Hahaz. Well for those who dont noe what this dae is, its a dae to make fun of ppl. lols. Luckily for me, i din get conned sucessfully thanks to the tings i learnt frm history. lols Skills on inference :p

My class chairman tried conning me by telling me to wear my class t -.-''' Of course i din cos everyone is lik nt wearing it la. lols tink hesh a bad conner. hahaz.

I cant realli rmbr wad else happened cos nth unforgettable happened to me tad dae. =p guess im juz lucky tad not may ppl tried conning me (: Well, so long then ^^