Sunday 3 August 2008

Ahh this week is a toopid wk...

Well, Sam asked me why I haven been updating my blog and wad's my reason? Busy =\ I had trouble finishing my Hw... but well, I sorta managed to finish most of it ald (: Sadly, tests had started last wk...

Had my Napfa 5 stations on wed. Think i did quite gd, but wad's the point when my 2.4km run is bronze? Diaozzzz =.=

Thurs is the most happening day of the week. Had my Australian Maths competition, but gt quite alot duno how do... After that had my ex-co meeting, whereby I was updated on some things. Ms Shamilah told us that sec3 councillors had to join the United Nation Course or wadeva it is called. Hahaz cool rite? She said tad if we passed the UN test, it would open hundreds of doors for our scholarship. But sadly its not easy to pass, especially we are joining it as an underage candidate. It was supposed to be for junior collage students... Xiu Hui was lik telling us to be optimistic, which we tried... but reality is reality. It's hard to pass... lol. After the meeting, we went home tgt, but halfway, there was this unknown boy who was holding a ball. He was like holding his ball and appeared to be aiming at somewhere behind me. I looked at him in case he threw his ball at me. And he realli did =.='''. zzzz. I used my hand to block it just in time and scolded him. I tink he did it on purpose de la cos the impact on my hand was great. Diaozzzzzzzzz.. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

NDP coming soon. Gt hols. (: Looking forth to it.

okok I shall stop here. nidda go sleep le. Tmr still gt test. Nitez den (:

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