Sunday 24 August 2008

This week is somewhat the same as the previous weeks...

Had bio spa on mon. We are required to estimate the concentration of the cell sap of a plant stem using 6 glucose solutions of diff concentrations and a plant(of course=.=). I was cutting the stem using a pen-knife like ting (forgot wad its called... a scraper?) when Mrs Allan started coming towards me. I was lik telling myself, "Don't drop the scraper... Dont drop the scraper!" and guess wad? In a blink of an eye, the scraper was on my pants... >.<''' obviously i had dropped it... zzz. Mrs Allan came to me and said, "aiyo becareful." Lols...

Ok im coming to the part which Jane cher wanted me to blog abt. On wed, there was a chi dictation practice. They were abt chi famous sayings. On that day, I went to sat with kfc cos both my partners (as in the people sitting beside me in class) were not around. Our chi teacher came in and told us to take out foolscap paper to write our answers on it. Btw, we are supposed to complete the sayings after he read out the 1st few words.
In one of the qns, our chi teacher read,"fu4 chao2 zhi1 xia4...(覆巢之下...)" Den he continued saying in eng,"the behind part is something to do wif no egg." I was like saying out softly,"huh? no egg? 没有鸡蛋?"
This was juz one of the few. After we completed all the sayings, we were told to exchange scripts wif our partners and mark for them. I took kfc's script and began marking. And began laughing as well. This was wad he wrote, "覆巢之下,没有鸡蛋". The actual one is, "覆巢之下无完卵". I asked him, "why you write this?" Den he said, "juz now u sae 1 wad so i write lor." LOL! Actually still gt 1 more funny one but i dowan to write. Hahaz. Both of us got an egg cos we gt everything wrong. Lol... (the egg is the 0 mark).

Well, teacher's day is coming soon ald. Concillors decided to wear superman shirt on the teacher's day celebration. Hahaz. Owell, that's all frm me. Cya~ (:

Sunday 17 August 2008

o.o National dae over le. Hahaz Din do much tings on tad dae though. Went to my grandma hse and played games, den went home to watch NDP show on tv. Tad was last week. lol

Gt bak most of my CA paper. My emaths paper was... lol... 9/40 =.= 1st tym i gt 1 digit. Hahaz. But strangely it gave me a lot of motivation. =.=?? The other papers wasnt much beta oso although they all passed... lol chiong ahhhhhhhh.

A few daes ago, or a wk ago(cant rmbr), our chem teacher was lik commenting on the girls abt their hair. This was what she said, or at least something lik tad. "You all girls ah the hair so long. Like curtain lik tad. If wear home clothes with this hair den nice wad. With sch shirt where gt nice?"
Den nxt our math teacher came in gave out our math paper, afterwhich she commented, "I dont see why more than half the class failed emath. Some even scored 7 marks, 9 marks, 10 marks and 11 marks." My friend was lik whispering to me, "she's obviously toking abt us lah" and i nodded my head in agreement. Den abt 3 daes later, after she gave out our amaths paper, she grumbled again. She began naming some names (luckily im nt in the list), and she suddenly talked abt a girl in our class. "Wa she ah, three teachers complained abt her hair already. I duno why nowadays the girls' fringe so long. I cannot stand the hair poking into my eye. Once its long i'll cut. These fringe i call it curtain. When i go out wif my husband i'll always tell him, 'Eh this is my student's hair!' If u all go dinner den wear high heels and nice clothes with this hair den nice ma, if wear sch shirt... haiz..."
When we heard this, we were lik tinking- wth why sae same things as Ms Mok. Scary seh. lols. Anw, Ms mok was our chem cher.

Juz watched olympic games-table tennis section. S'pore lost to China, but at least we got a silver (: Hahax. Well, tads all for now. Anw, sry for nt blogging frequently. Bye 4 now den ^^

Sunday 3 August 2008

Ahh this week is a toopid wk...

Well, Sam asked me why I haven been updating my blog and wad's my reason? Busy =\ I had trouble finishing my Hw... but well, I sorta managed to finish most of it ald (: Sadly, tests had started last wk...

Had my Napfa 5 stations on wed. Think i did quite gd, but wad's the point when my 2.4km run is bronze? Diaozzzz =.=

Thurs is the most happening day of the week. Had my Australian Maths competition, but gt quite alot duno how do... After that had my ex-co meeting, whereby I was updated on some things. Ms Shamilah told us that sec3 councillors had to join the United Nation Course or wadeva it is called. Hahaz cool rite? She said tad if we passed the UN test, it would open hundreds of doors for our scholarship. But sadly its not easy to pass, especially we are joining it as an underage candidate. It was supposed to be for junior collage students... Xiu Hui was lik telling us to be optimistic, which we tried... but reality is reality. It's hard to pass... lol. After the meeting, we went home tgt, but halfway, there was this unknown boy who was holding a ball. He was like holding his ball and appeared to be aiming at somewhere behind me. I looked at him in case he threw his ball at me. And he realli did =.='''. zzzz. I used my hand to block it just in time and scolded him. I tink he did it on purpose de la cos the impact on my hand was great. Diaozzzzzzzzz.. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

NDP coming soon. Gt hols. (: Looking forth to it.

okok I shall stop here. nidda go sleep le. Tmr still gt test. Nitez den (: