Friday 11 July 2008

Oh well, I had my 8th Student Council Investiture this wk on tues (8 july). Hahaz. Guess its still quite ok ba since our seniors were lik saying that we had done a gd job. =p Anw, thx for clapping loudly when my name is called (: And councillors frm other schs tad have grace our investiture. The principal was lik asking me this qn when she was pinning my collar pin badge," Isit becoz u are the onli guy in ex-co so they are applauding so loudly", and i was lik tinking - I'm not them lor so i wont noe. lol. But I juz said " maybe ba". Lols. But I tink perhaps tads 1 of the reason and maybe becos i walked funnily? My council teacher was lik trying to teach me how to walk properly but i juz couldnt... hahaz. My seniors said i looked lik i was floating during the rehersals. Argh... I juz cant walk! =.=

Haiz... I tink im nt doing gd in my studies... tink im deproving... Must chiong ah... But if onli i had the time... Hmm i tink i lik have smth else to blog abt but cant remember wad isit. Nvm when i rmbr then i add on to this post ba. Well, so long den. ~

These are the schs who came to our invest(:

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