Sunday 9 March 2008

Sch camp~~

Wow. Tads so long ago. Sry don blog regularly cos was super bz=\

Well, the camp took place on the 1st dae of sch to the 3rd dae(2nd jan-4th jan). Lik most of the students, we reported to sch at 7+, though we wore a diff attire - pe t-shirt:p After flag raising we went to the hall, whereby we listened to our principal tok abt sch tings and received our timetable of the year. I looked at it in wonder and amazed by how the chers managed to squeeze all our 9 subjects into 5 daes. lols.

Well, back in e classroom, our class decided on wad group name to call ourselves. Some of my classmates wanted us to be called spongebob... others wan to be called lust caution. Oh... btw we are supposed to name ourselves movie names. Hahaz sounds lame i noe. In the end we called ourselves beowulf. -.-

After having our lunch in our sch canteen, we set off to our camp site at Changi Coast Adventure Camp.(or something like tad. Cant rmbr). Well, the 1st dae was kinda boring. Its mostly bonding session. Luckily, my cousin, my mom and one of my friends smsed me. Well, it kinda lifted the boringness(:

The second dae was more interesting. We improvised our own raft but din have time to try our if it could float =\ But we gt to canoe in the sea, which was extremely fun. Dun tink i will ever be able to row a boat again in my life... We then went to rockclimb... did something(which i 4got wad it is) and went to sleep.

The third dae was... duno how describe. lol.. We clean up the campsite and played some games, afterwhich... home sweet home (:

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