Friday 9 November 2007


Oh well... holidays quite boring... Nothing much to write abt actually. The routine repeats itself everyday. Yawnz... hmm... But its at least better than going to sch. Can sleep later and wake later than usual =p well, the more interesting part during the holz is mapling or audiing... More... yea.. hahaz... but its like quite lifeless wor. Staring in front of the com and "turning" into the character within it. lolz ^^ But i enjoy it. At least i can temporarily get out of the hectic and bustling life =\

Oya. thanks to those who linked me in their blog :p I juz realised tad some linked me in their blogs when i checked the analytics^^ And of course, thanks to the person who helped me create this blog =p I'm still a noob in blogging wif blogspot but as soon as i noe how to link ppl, i will link u guyz de :) Hmm... but can som1 teach me wor? I dont tink i will noe how link ppl if nobody tell me how to :p

Ok le. Thx again for linking and helping me to make my blog succesful (though it doesnt look quite succesful. lol) ^^ Wish ya all a happy and enjoyable holz (:

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