Heh last wk (fri-sun) was freaking awesome. Since fri came first, i shall blog abt 25/10 class gathering 1st (:
Our class went kai jie's house to crash. Tad was the 1st time i played squash! (: U shld hav guess how epic fail i was when i played it. Went bbq nxt. Cool sia. Drank hard liquor. We played card games and those who lost hav to drink the liquor. Luckily nvr drunk =p Fun fun (: Since it waswei bing's bday, we threw a "surprise" party for him too. Nt a vry pleasant 1 for him i guess. We wanted to throw him dwn the pool, but decided nt to (see we so nice). But the dumb ting is, his shoe fell into the pool! Hahaz we were using our hands to peddle the shoe to shore xD Totally dumb. Well, yujia smsed me whr i was den i felt bad abt nt attending 4/1-09 class outing cos i promised her beforehand i wld attend it. So after tad, i chionged dwn to 4/1-09 class outing (sry25/10 for leaving halfway=\). Took a cab wif mao lei to Batok mrt and chiong to vivo. Reached there at 10. Noe wads the dumbest part? I gt lost in it =.= Cant find the rooftop cos usually i start off from car park, but now its frm mrt station. So wad i did? I did my napfa run invivo andharbourfront shopping mall. Haha by the time i found it, most ppl ald went home.
Sat came, and tads the day of chalet. Met wei shan at bedok mrt at 4, but i was late =\Sryweishan. Owed her an ice cream as apology for being late. We boarded bus401 frm there. Funny ting is, we dont noe when to alight =.= So when many ppl alighted at a stop at east coast park we simply followed. Weishan was lik,"So many ppl alight, should be correct de hor". Heh so alighted and we walked and walked and suddenly, heaven decided to cry. I was holding bottles of drinks so i handed my umbrella over to her. And she said smth tad made me both diao and happy. "You abit de tall huh?" Rofl i am tall!(: Ok i shall not continue harping on the journey to chalet.
Reached chalet. Every1 else reached ald. At first i couldnt really get used to cher, beccaandsteph yet. They were so high and crazy (as usual xD) but cos i nvr see them for a long time, plus my class de girls all quiet quiet 1, i abit scared of them. But slowly I returned bak to the sec4 mode and went high tgt wif every1. Went bbq at 6 and after that,we went to rent bikes overnight. Guess how much i paid for my bike? $5 nia! Cheap lik duno wad sia! xD But sadly at one place, i suay suay kena knocked dwn by a high speed bike. I flew and on the ground. Luckily i have my jeans to protect my leg. If nt... God... Haha. Lukily i nvr sustain any sever injuries,juzsprained my arms and wrists. Too bad our compo dont have pictorial compo to write on. If I were bak in pri sch and nid to write narrative essay on accidents, I bet i'll do a gd job cos i have 1st hand exp! xD Ok nvrmind bout tad. Btw, thx vincent for riding me bak to chalet wif urdouble bike. He damn funny. You noe wad he said otw bak to chalet? He said tads the 1st time he driving an ambulance xD HAHA. But OMG, NIGHT CYCLING IS FUN DE LOR (although ntwifwei shan's screwed bike, which is practical buay gia one! Tiring riding on her bike...)
Went bak to chalet to avoid supernatural stuffs at abt 2 plus. Some of us played titee, some sang song (luckily windows nvr break xD) and some played mahjong cards (including me!) Well,stephtold us nt to dirty her mahjong cards, and i wanted to eat snacks. So i asked kf to feed me. At one point, he spammed my mouth wif a handful of hay-like cuttlefish, and my mouth isn't tad big, so i was trying to use my lips to pull them bak to my mouth. Den while i was playing cards and doing this action, an image flashed into my mind. I looked lik a goat trying to eat a bunch of grass! @_@ Cher was still lik, eh he really looks lik a goat! Tian ah~! =\ After that i said i want to sleep, and i juz lie on the bed. Omg den steph started harrassing me and wanted to rape me. God. Heh after tad most of us went to sleep.
Woke up at 6 plus to watch sunrise. Luckily my shirt is still on. Haha. K la steph was juz playing it. Even if she really wan to rape, SOMEONE will oso stop her rite? Oh toking abt vinc, SOMEONE was flirting wif steph by tickling her legs when we are trying to sleep hor? xD Oh and ps for the plastic sound tad i made to the potato chips bag when sleeping. Cher was complaining the chips bag i hug as bolster was noisy. We went to the beach to watch sunrise, but guess we went too late ald. The sun has ald risen. Sobs. So we went bak to chalet to wash up. And we decided to teach becca how to ride a bike. Before returning our bikes at 9am, i took my bike out for one last ride. Somehow i had a kinda bond with my rented bike after riding it for so long. Sobs. Den we walked to macs to have our breakfast (which is kinda far without bike). Thereafter, we went home... Cya all on 17 july for u noe wad event (: I hope i wont be late cos i have some sports competition in my sch in the morn.
Fond memories (:

Our class went kai jie's house to crash. Tad was the 1st time i played squash! (: U shld hav guess how epic fail i was when i played it. Went bbq nxt. Cool sia. Drank hard liquor. We played card games and those who lost hav to drink the liquor. Luckily nvr drunk =p Fun fun (: Since it waswei bing's bday, we threw a "surprise" party for him too. Nt a vry pleasant 1 for him i guess. We wanted to throw him dwn the pool, but decided nt to (see we so nice). But the dumb ting is, his shoe fell into the pool! Hahaz we were using our hands to peddle the shoe to shore xD Totally dumb. Well, yujia smsed me whr i was den i felt bad abt nt attending 4/1-09 class outing cos i promised her beforehand i wld attend it. So after tad, i chionged dwn to 4/1-09 class outing (sry25/10 for leaving halfway=\). Took a cab wif mao lei to Batok mrt and chiong to vivo. Reached there at 10. Noe wads the dumbest part? I gt lost in it =.= Cant find the rooftop cos usually i start off from car park, but now its frm mrt station. So wad i did? I did my napfa run invivo andharbourfront shopping mall. Haha by the time i found it, most ppl ald went home.
Sat came, and tads the day of chalet. Met wei shan at bedok mrt at 4, but i was late =\Sryweishan. Owed her an ice cream as apology for being late. We boarded bus401 frm there. Funny ting is, we dont noe when to alight =.= So when many ppl alighted at a stop at east coast park we simply followed. Weishan was lik,"So many ppl alight, should be correct de hor". Heh so alighted and we walked and walked and suddenly, heaven decided to cry. I was holding bottles of drinks so i handed my umbrella over to her. And she said smth tad made me both diao and happy. "You abit de tall huh?" Rofl i am tall!(: Ok i shall not continue harping on the journey to chalet.
Reached chalet. Every1 else reached ald. At first i couldnt really get used to cher, beccaandsteph yet. They were so high and crazy (as usual xD) but cos i nvr see them for a long time, plus my class de girls all quiet quiet 1, i abit scared of them. But slowly I returned bak to the sec4 mode and went high tgt wif every1. Went bbq at 6 and after that,we went to rent bikes overnight. Guess how much i paid for my bike? $5 nia! Cheap lik duno wad sia! xD But sadly at one place, i suay suay kena knocked dwn by a high speed bike. I flew and on the ground. Luckily i have my jeans to protect my leg. If nt... God... Haha. Lukily i nvr sustain any sever injuries,juzsprained my arms and wrists. Too bad our compo dont have pictorial compo to write on. If I were bak in pri sch and nid to write narrative essay on accidents, I bet i'll do a gd job cos i have 1st hand exp! xD Ok nvrmind bout tad. Btw, thx vincent for riding me bak to chalet wif urdouble bike. He damn funny. You noe wad he said otw bak to chalet? He said tads the 1st time he driving an ambulance xD HAHA. But OMG, NIGHT CYCLING IS FUN DE LOR (although ntwifwei shan's screwed bike, which is practical buay gia one! Tiring riding on her bike...)
Went bak to chalet to avoid supernatural stuffs at abt 2 plus. Some of us played titee, some sang song (luckily windows nvr break xD) and some played mahjong cards (including me!) Well,stephtold us nt to dirty her mahjong cards, and i wanted to eat snacks. So i asked kf to feed me. At one point, he spammed my mouth wif a handful of hay-like cuttlefish, and my mouth isn't tad big, so i was trying to use my lips to pull them bak to my mouth. Den while i was playing cards and doing this action, an image flashed into my mind. I looked lik a goat trying to eat a bunch of grass! @_@ Cher was still lik, eh he really looks lik a goat! Tian ah~! =\ After that i said i want to sleep, and i juz lie on the bed. Omg den steph started harrassing me and wanted to rape me. God. Heh after tad most of us went to sleep.
Woke up at 6 plus to watch sunrise. Luckily my shirt is still on. Haha. K la steph was juz playing it. Even if she really wan to rape, SOMEONE will oso stop her rite? Oh toking abt vinc, SOMEONE was flirting wif steph by tickling her legs when we are trying to sleep hor? xD Oh and ps for the plastic sound tad i made to the potato chips bag when sleeping. Cher was complaining the chips bag i hug as bolster was noisy. We went to the beach to watch sunrise, but guess we went too late ald. The sun has ald risen. Sobs. So we went bak to chalet to wash up. And we decided to teach becca how to ride a bike. Before returning our bikes at 9am, i took my bike out for one last ride. Somehow i had a kinda bond with my rented bike after riding it for so long. Sobs. Den we walked to macs to have our breakfast (which is kinda far without bike). Thereafter, we went home... Cya all on 17 july for u noe wad event (: I hope i wont be late cos i have some sports competition in my sch in the morn.
Fond memories (:

25/10 outing (:

4/1-09 outing =p

Chalet time~ xD
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