Tuesday 19 May 2009

Ok i tink i hav alot tings to blog abt, but since its late ald, i will be blogging abt my grand bdae a few wks ago 1st (:

Well, it falls on a fri, a special fri which sadly had extra lessons till 5p.m =\ But nvm, its still a blissful day for me. On that vry fine morning, I received my 1st bdae song by the councillors as soon as I stepped into the school. Tad started my day off with a big big smile :D Den i received my 1st bdae present from the council excos. Thanks Excos for the big big Mr men little miss' cushion tad i called baby (tink only cher noes), the Nike water bottle, the piggy bank and the nicely designed bdae card and ivan, aik meng and timothy for shopping for my gift! I'm really lucky to be the only thorn in exco (replying to the bdae card tad i recieve)

After Flag raising, I headed straight to my class. When i entered the classroom, I received various bdae greetings from diff ppl and I tink on that single day itself, i had said more than 20 "thank you"s. And then, i received the toy/candy dog and a card from Pao, a beautiful bdae card from haritha and a bunch of bananas from Erica. LOL! After that, the class sang me my second bdae song of the dae. Thank you Thank you for the wonderful gifts and song (:

Next was maths lesson. My maths teacher taught us integration and she gave us a qn to do. "Ok... now let's have the bdae boy to come out and do the qn on the board" came her next comment. I was lik tinking "Er...ok... nice bdae bash mrs chong!" and went up and do. =.=

During recess, I went wif my usual guy frenz to eat in the canteen. Vinc Wee was lik saying "This morn i saw ur bdae present flying about. If u came early u would have seen it". And this led me to guess my bdae present. Kite? Plane? Balloon? Den i received an sms from Prerana which says "Come up to the class now if u wan ur bdae present! And sms me when u coming up". I knew something surprising will fall upon me from the second sentence. So i gobbled up my food and went bak to class.

I reached the class. I went in. A group was gathering around my table. Prerana threw a volleyball and said something lik tad, "Go play wif ur 1st bdae gift 1st. Walk out the class for awhile den come bak". Den once again, i was lik "Er ok... and i went wif kf to the toilet." After wad seems lik ages, I went bak to the class. There, on my table, was a cake, alot of sweets, and a big big bdae card tad were arranged nicely(: Its such a pity tad i 4got to take a pict of it =\ Then something cot my eye and i joked, "Eh, only gt 1 big candle leh. Tad means im only 10 yrs old!" Ho replied, "Hey, u noe how long it took to light the candle anot?" But seriously, i was so touched. I made a wish (something gt to do wif olvl but cannot exactly sae wad isit if nt wish wont come thru) and i received my 3rd bdae song. Hahaz a vry Vry VRY Big thank you to Prerana, Cher, KF, Vinc, Joel, WeiSh, Ho, Jia le, Becca and Steph for the cake, sweets and heart-warming card that is signed by so many ppl. Oh and mrs chong too for signing the card. I was laughing when Prerana told me how Mrs chong signed the card. She said tad mrs chong was lifting up her leg and dropping her leg den lifting it up again juz to sign my bdae card, and she was lik saying 'aiyo, din noe signing a card is tad diff' or smth lik tad. So ya. Thanks Mrs Chong for trying so hard to sign my card xD

But the problem came when i had to bring the presents home. I had to hold the volley ball wif one hand, the cushion and other presents in another hand and hook the bunch of bananaz to my bag. I seriously look retarded k? Till the extent that steph and duno who tried to take a pict of me going home with everything. Luckily Vinc helped me to take the ball to the mrt station before passing it to me. When i reached home, my hand was lik cramming and my finger had slight blisters =\

At nite, I went to toa payoh wif my family and ate in swensenz to celebrate for my sis and my bdae. And guess who i saw? Amelia wif her parents. ok... Oya, lastly, i would lik to thank my cousins for the presents as well, although they 4got to take out the receipt lik kia (:

Well, tads all frm me now. JYJY 4-1 Captain balls' team for tmr's heats! (:

My Wonderful Bdae presents! (:

Bdae cake by frenz xD

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