Yay juz bak frm my sec4 class outing at Marina Barrage(: Dare say it was fun!
Well, in the afternoon i smsed kf and yj whether they bringing packet food for dinner. Kf said he still deciding. Yj said she feel lik bringing packet food frm ishi mura. So tinking tad yj wld be bring packet food for dinner, I brought chicken rice there. I gt reason for typing this ok? Its nt becos i eat finish nth beta to type. I'll link it later (:
Reached barrage at abt 4 plus. Papa drove me there xD When we reached there, my mama was joking and saying tad perhaps 1 of the grps heading towards barrage is my clique. I dismissed the idea, feeling tad its too coincidental to be tru. I alighted my dad's car. I walked towards barrage. I squinted my eyes. I ran. And i greeted my clique frenz. Cool rite? xD
Well, somehow heaven wasnt on our side. It rained practically the whole afternoon and evening. So we evacuated to the sheltered area on the 2nd floor. When i was gg dwn the stairs, I heard a "pong!" and realised steph slipped dwn the stairs. So my fren and i helped her up and we cont our way dwn the stairs. Jux as i reached the end of the steps, I heard another "pong!" This tym yj slipped dwn the stairs. Ok la cant blame them for slipping dwn the stairs. Cos our shoes are wet and slippery.
Played murderer and some polar bear tingy. Haha i tink the polar bear tingy game is dumb. Well, basically the game gt polar bear and medic. The rest are hunters. So the polar bears will secretly kill ppl and the medic is supposed to randomly revive those tad are killed by the polar bears cos they duno who are killed by polar bear. So gt 1 game i was secretly chosen to be one of the polar bears. I dowan be pointed out by the hunters tad im the evil polar bear so i juz pointed to nicole who is sitting nxt to me to indicate tad i wan kill her. Little did i noe tad she was in fact the healer and she was trying to heal me all along. OMG. I feel so bad. Sry nicole =\ Sry =\
After tad i took out my chicken rice to eat. However, i realised no1 was eating packet food. So i asked yj if she gt buy packet food. She said no. Walao pangseh la =\ Make me look so retarded. Haha.
Alright i tink i look dumb in the class photo so im juz gonna post this clique photo. (P.s im nt trying to exclude out those outside my clique ah! Pls dont get the wrong idea thx (: )

Haha ok i've been playing wif my hair these hols. But i'm gonna go bak to my old hairstyle once sch starts. Enjoy my pict (: