Saturday 25 April 2009

Woot. I think todae is the happiest day in my life (:

Thursday 23 April 2009

Wednesday 1 April 2009

Today's April Fools Day? (:

I din noe tad today was april fools day before some1 cracked a april fool joke in the morn. I was lik, " Uh today is april fool's day meh?" and i effectively made a fool out of myself =.=

My class played an april fool's joke on our math teacher. She hates us drinking water during her class, so our class decided to purposely drink water in front of her. Before the 1st bell rang, we were lik "eh two more mins, two more mins!" Finally, the 1st bell rang. One by one, we took out our water bottles and drank right in front of her when she was telling us story about duno what person. And... She din noe wad we juz did and tot we noe the person she was toking abt when we laughed. Den we were lik, "eh she lik duno wad we juz did leh. lets do again." And we drank water again. This time she noticed, but somehow she only noticed CH drinking water. She was looking at CH and saying, "You dont drink water again ah. One more time you stand throughout the lesson. If still happen again you stand outside the class." Den we were lik "lol..." cos she obviously din noe it was a april fool's joke =.= But anw it was funny and we had a gd laugh =p

I tink i din get conned today. Yet. Hahaz cos im ald sorta prepared for it. But i tink whoever created the day "april fool's day" has nothing beta to do la. Lol.

I am vry happy today. I gt bak my Amaths textbook after it went missing for 2 days. Saved me 19 bucks (: Yay

Gosh why am i wasting time blogging when i have a math test tmr? =.=