Wednesday 11 March 2009

Hmm... today's an interesting day?

This was the 1st time i encountered something like this. I was walking with my friends to the MRT station and suddenly, this guy in his late 30s or 40s suddenly came up to us and asked us for money to take a cab to some hospital. =.= The 1st thing that popped up in my mind was the word, "scammer". So i ignored the guy and continued walking with my friends. My friend's friend told the guy we are rushing off and left him alone as well. But this guy din give up and followed us till we are nearing the MRT station>.< My friend was lik saying, " ignore him. I tink he's mentally ill."

We have justification as to why we say he is a scammer or mentally ill. Firstly, he preyed on students only (according to my friend). Secondly, if he's really rushing off to hospital, would he care to waste his time and follow us throughout? Thirdly, he can juz flag a taxi and ask the driver if he or she is kind enough to drive him to the hospital for free right? Students are poor ppl la =.= Fourthly, he's standing at a place where there's not alot of cabs. Diaoz... But if we have wronged him, then i feel sry for him.

Hmm. tmr having chem spa. Sianz. wish me luck (:

Holiday is juz round the corner! WOw HoW tiME FliES!!! =\